Surrogating The Little Life

One of the most popular superstars of contemporary times enjoys the feeling of fatherhood one more time. After raising two children to teenage-hood  fathering one more baby and that too via surrogacy may sound exciting and thrilling to many, but our very own superstar is far away from that terrific feeling. He is neither excited nor thrilled. Reason? Well, the baby under question is reported to be too underweight to celebrate his arrival in one of the most celebrated celebrity families of India. He is under intensive care unit. I wish God bless the little baby long life!

Amid this hullabaloo, one thing that remains a mystery throughout is who is the mother that got the privilege of bearing the child of the man whom the entire nation lionize and is fixated on. Some says she is the sister of his lovely wife whereas some are speculating her to be an unknown surrogate. It would be interesting to know the real identity of the woman who has been kept under tight wraps so far. And more than that, what she felt while delivering a life, which she sustained inside her womb for months, to the couple who would now onward flaunt the purported benefits of parenthood? 


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